
WATCH: SEIU Workers On Why They’re Voting Yes on Workers Rights in New Digital and Radio Ads

Workers Rights Ad Collage SC Site

In digital and radio ads, SEIU workers say why they are voting yes on the Workers Rights Amendment in Illinois on the ballot Tuesday, November 8th. Check out the ads below.

Adarra: Rights

As an home health care worker, Adarra says she can’t do her job effectively if she has concerns about the safety and well-being of her consumer or herself. She’s voting yes on the Workers’ Rights Amendment. The Workers’ Rights Amendment will protect our right to speak up about safety or other concerns.

(Radio) Adarra: Freedom

It’s extremely empowering to help someone else feel independent says Adarra. Having the Workers Rights Amendment allows us to fight and negotiate for better jobs. Adarra doesn’t want to leave her safety or the safety of her consumers to CEOs and politicians.

Lillie: Away

Lillie remembers the years under Bruce Rauner as IL Governor and how horrible that was. By voting yes on the Workers Rights Amendment, Lillie is protecting home care workers. She’s also ensuring there will be a voice advocating for the dignity and independence of our seniors & neighbors and family members with disabilities.

(En español) Maria: Mejor

(English) Maria: Better

Maria opened her home daycare because she wanted to help her community and the families that live there. She’s worked with our union to protect worker rights and improve child care. That’s why she’s voting yes on the Workers Rights Amendment.
